Best Tips For Knowing, How To Promote App With Video Contents | Read More......

Best Tips For Knowing, How To Promote App With Video Contents | Read More......

Hello Our Dear Estemead Readers!

  Today we're going to discuss about the the process on How to Promote Your App with Video Content in different ways | Read More.

As your primary target is mostly mobile users, you are not only competing with other apps in your niche. You also have to gain attention from twitter notifications, WhatsApp alerts, and other distractions on your potential downloader’s screens.

In this piece, we are going to take a page from the playbook of some of the best video marketing companies out there. Going over their strategies to use video content that promotes your apps efficiently, and some tricks to help them stand out from the crowd.

Why Use Video in Your App’s Page?

Over the last couple of years, there has been a total expansion of the avenues at your disposal to promote your app. One of the biggest additions – and the one that will most likely make the biggest impact – is video content.


(1) Video content is immediately appealing: The versatile combination of video, music, and text makes for pieces that people can easily digest, understand, and retain in their minds.

(2) Built-in Versatility: 97% of marketers agree that videos help customers understand products, and that has a lot to do with their versatility. From a hype-building announcement trailer to an in-depth overview of how to use your app, there’s plenty to do with video content.

(3) Video content is immediately appealing: The versatile combination of video, music, and text makes for pieces that people can easily digest, understand, and retain in their minds.

(4) Built-in Versatility: 97% of marketers agree that videos help customers understand products, and that has a lot to do with their versatility. From a hype-building announcement trailer to an in-depth overview of how to use your app, there’s plenty to do with video content.

(5)  Ease of Sharing: Audiences love engaging with video content online, making it easier for your app and brand to rank higher and get seen. You see it all the time on social media.

 But after A video twitter, for example, obtains three times more retweets than those tweets without any type of visual content.

(6) Lazy-buyer proofing: Videos also give your app a nice hedge against lazy buyers. Only 20% of users will read a content page in its entirety, but 80% would watch a video. If you want to guarantee that most people visiting your app’s profile page will get your message in its entirety, you can’t do better than video.